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Miss Susan Ward, Dr Andrew Sizer and Mr Dudley Robinson are talking about their personal highlights from today. Highlights include:
- Civility Saves Lives - Dr Chris Turner
- Predication and prevention of preeclampsia - Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Clinical challenges of caring for women with high BMI in pregnancy - Professor Fionnula McAullife
- Thyroid disorders in pregnancy - Dr Tamima Aldughaishi

We are delighted to have Professor Fionnula McAullife at #RCOG2021 talking about the clinical challenges of caring for women with high BMI in pregnancy.

The RCOG have a guideline for the care of women with obesity in pregnancy, which you can access below.

During Congress, one highly anticipated stream filled with innovative and up-to-date research, is the pandemic and impact of COVID-19 stream.
Dr Jennifer Jardine has played a critical role in the RCOG’s COVID-19 response team. Jen is currently providing insight into the impact of the pandemic on O&G services and the development of rapid clinical guidance.
On Monday 9 March 2020, the RCOG released the first version of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection and Pregnancy guideline. Over the past year, this guideline has had many iterations and is now on version 13.

For more information about COVID-19 and the resources available, explore our COVID-19, pregnancy and women's health hub below.

Dr Alain Gregoire is currently shedding light on perinatal mental health in the time of COVID.
In a UK study which looked at the impact of COVID, only 1 in 3 women said knew where to turn for help.

Tune in now to watch Professor Kypros Nicolaides talk about predication and prevention of preeclampsia at #RCOG2021.

Professor Nicolaides is one of the pioneers of fetal surgery and his discoveries have revolutionised the field.
To read more about preeclampsia, the RCOG has an informative resource for patients.

Dr Saleema Wani has covered migrane and different types of secondary headaches. To learn more about headaches in pregnancy, the RCOG has a comprehensive eLearning resource on the topic.

Professor Emma Crosbie focuses her research on developing novel strategies for the prevention of endometrial cancer and the discovery of minimally-invasive tools to facilitate its early detection.

Dr Nia Jones is currently talking about obstetric care of refugee women and asylum seekers in the UK. Throughout her talk, Dr Jones will be covering the extent of the problem in the UK and worldwide, personal perspectives, pregnancy outcomes and much more.

Dr Jones referenced the NICE guideline covering antenatal care for all pregnant women with complex social factors.

Professor Fawzia Hossain spoke to us about why she loves her work and how she makes a difference to the health of women and girls.
Tune in to #RCOG2021 now to hear more from Professor Hossain.
In her moving talk, Professor Hossain said "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."

Civility Saves Lives is a ground-breaking campaign looking to raise awareness of the negative impact rudeness can have in healthcare and, conversely, on the power of civility. When we choose to behave in ways that value and respect those around us, together we can enhance teams, optimise performance and improve care for women and girls.
During his talk, Chris Turner will explore the importance of respect, professional courtesy and valuing each other. He will also cover the negative impact that rudeness (incivility) can have in healthcare, so that we can better understand the impact we have on the performance of those around us.

Chris explained, "Following process is important, but what is more important is people. People and how we treat each other is important to care."

Last week, we launched a new Workplace Behaviour Toolkit to support the development of positive workplace culture and address the challenge of poor behaviour in maternity and gynaecology services.
The toolkit has information for those who feel they have been bullied, those who witness bullying behaviour and those accused of being a bully. It also provides advice on how to address issues with poor workplace behaviours at a departmental and deanery level.

Mr Phil Toozs-Hobson has kicked off day two of #RCOG2021 with an interview with Miss Ranee Thakar, Senior Vice President for Global Health.
Ranee described her role as Vice President as "The most interesting job she has ever had."

The RCOG has information on endometriosis to help patients better understand their health and options for treatment.
Dr Uma Ram providing a top tip for getting the most out of virtual conferences! #RCOG2021 has four parallel streams but for the first time, you will no longer need to miss out on any of the content.

What was your highlight from yesterday? Let us know using #RCOG2021 on Twitter.

Welcome to day two of RCOG Virtual World Congress! Today’s programme features streams including Maternal Medicine and Labour Ward Management.
Following on from the exceptional talks covered in yesterday's programme, we are looking forward to another day of ground-breaking presentations.
Don't forget to share your highlights on social media using #RCOG2021.